• PH: 04902490101 , 9447519742
  • ietdindia@gmail.com

Directors Desk

From an idea and through an association we believe to bring positive changes which can turn the history of a village and also a nation. And we work for that change. We started 15 years ago and we are sure that we did a lot of good work. We still need to do more. We now operate not only in the state of Kerala but also in some parts of the states of Karnataka and Tamilnadu (Coorg district in Karnataka and Nilgiri district in Tamilnadu). We are able to establish Vocational Training centers, IT Training centers, IT enabled service centers. About 7600 students have joined our program for mental power development. In the environment, educational, cultural and developmental field we are now the leading NGO with mentor organization status. By 2020 we plan to have 2000 volunteers, 500 paid employees, and 10,000 memberships, with many institutions and organizations, centers and sub centers we will move forward as one organization to bring Social change.

Our credentials are Secular, and would co-operative with every caste, communal and linguistic divisions that exist in our society- We promise to render our services to all sections irrespective of caste, class, creed, sex or other sectarian branding. The “Emergency care and Relief Fund “ which we now began would grow into a massive program of assistance and care for the victims and families.