• PH: 04902490101 , 9447519742
  • ietdindia@gmail.com



The question often asked is what is the special features of your NGO . In India, there are many NGOs and civil groups working for the welfare and development. What makes our organization a unique entity is that:

  • The IETD is not attached or connected with any religious institutions, associations and individuals connected with communal forces. And it is completely secular in its credentials.
  • Each department is headed by professionally qualified and experienced experts.
  • Projects and programs are planned by the villages and stake holders together and project proposals are evolved rather than made.
  • Decision to provide benefits, identifying the beneficiaries etc is rest with the village groups and beneficiary members and not decided by OFFICE BEARERS OF NGO.
  • Accounts, Audited statements and programs are transparent and available to common man.
  • Promptness and efficiency in service delivery with IT Enabled service link.
  • On-line administrative set up and Paperless office.
  • Planned and organized programs.
  • Project activity is pro-proor and priority is given to the disabled, women, and children.
  • Austerity in expenditure.